The Wave 5 Rife machine comes standard with a compilation of treatments that have been included because of for their effectiveness. The Wave range of resonators can store many more treatments, but the 750 treatments stored on our devices are those that will offer the biggest chance of success.
The beauty of Rife health’s resonators are that they are effective: Not only because they comply with the specifications of a real resonator but also because of the tested concise list of treatments. The user is therefor cautioned to refrain from adding any more treatments because Rife Health has tested their treatments and found that the following treatments are the most effective.
Most resonators on the market have many more treatments stored on their devices but they are untested. The user is then confronted with literally hundreds of treatments for example for cancer which the manufacturers just downloaded from the Internet from dubious sources. It is then expected from the user to experiment with untested treatments to find the treatment that works. A user with a terminal disease has no time to experiment.
Broad-spectrum treatments
Rife Health is the only supplier of resonators in the world that has developed the so-called broad-spectrum treatments to address those ailments where a diagnosis is not clear or where medical treatment is not immediately available. The user of a Wave resonator is advised to first try to use a broad-spectrum treatment that will cover the symptoms of the ailment before using the specific treatment. If the user suffers for example from acne the user should first start treating the ailment with “Skin problems” rather than with acne. Many times a persistent ailment is misdiagnosed and that is why medication did not work. It may not be acne but another skin disease. By applying a broad-spectrum treatment such as “Skin Problems” one will address all possible causes of that skin disease.
The 10 most used Broad-spectrum treatments are:
- Cancer Main
- Circulation
- Dental foci
- Detox general
- Infections general
- Inflammation
- Neuro
- Pain
- Parasites general
- Respiratory
The rest of the list in alphabetical order:
- Abcess mouth
- Abdominal inflam short
- Abdominal inflammation
- Abdominal pain
- Abscesses
- Acidity
- Acidity hyper
- Acidosis
- Acne
- Actinobacillus
- Actinomyces israelii
- Addictions
- Addison’s disease
- Adenoids
- Adenoma cervical
- Adenovirus
- Adhesions
- Adnexitis
- Adrenal gland
- Adrenal stimulant
- Aflatoxin
- Allergies
- Alopecia
- Als
- Altzheimers
- Alveolar fistula
- Altzheimers dis assist
- Amenorrhea
- Amyloidosis
- Anemia
- Aneurysm
- Angina
- Angina pectoris
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Anxiety
- Aphthous stomatis
- Apoplexy
- Appendicitis
- Arachnoiditis
- Argyria
- Arrthymias cardiac
- Arteriosclerosis
- Arthritis rheumatoid
- Ascaris
- Ascorbic acid deficiency
- Aspergillus range
- Asthma
- Astrocytoma
- Ataxia
- Athlete’s foot
- Autointoxication
- Bacillus range
- Backache
- Bacteria capsules
- Bacterial infections
- Bacteroides fragilis 1
- Bacteroides fragillis 2
- Bad breath
- Balantidium coli
- Bed wetting
- Bedsores
- Behcets disease
- Bells palsy
- Besnotia
- Bilharzias
- Biliary calculus
- Biliary cirrhosis
- Biliousness
- Bipolar assist
- Birth problems
- Bites insects
- Blackheads
- Bladder problems
- Blood pressure high
- Blood pressure low
- Boils
- Bone diseases 1
- Bone diseases 2
- Bone fracture 1
- Bone fracture 2
- Bone regeneration
- Bone spur
- Bordetella pertussis
- Borellia burgdorferei
- Botulinum
- Brachial neuralgia
- Bradycardia
- Brain ischaemia
- Breast fibroid cysts
- Brights syndrome
- Bronchial asthma
- Bronchial pneumonia
- Bronchiectasis
- Bronchitis
- Bronchopneumonia
- Brucella range
- Burns
- Bursitis
- Campylobacter
- Cancer Hodgkins disease
- Cancer Kaposis sarcoma
- Cancer main treatment
- Cancer bladder
- Cancer breast
- Cancer carcinoma
- Cancer droglioma
- Cancer fibrosarcoma
- Cancer glioblastoma
- Cancer gliomas
- Cancer gliosarcoma
- Cancer leukemia
- Cancer leukemia T-cell
- Cancer leukemia hairy cell
- Cancer leukemia myeloid
- Cancer liver
- Cancer prostate main
- Cancer prostate short
- Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1
- Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 2
- Cancer sarcoma
- Cancer short
- Cancer skin
- Cancer stomach
- Cancrum oris
- Candida
- Candida albicans
- Canker sore
- Capillaria hepatica
- Car sickness
- Carbuncles
- Carcinoma basal
- Caries
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Cataract
- Catarrh
- Celiac
- Cell healing
- Cellulitis
- Cerebral palsy
- Cervical polyp
- Chicken pox
- Chilblains
- Chlamydia range
- Cholecystitis acute
- Cholecystitis chronic
- Cholelithiasis
- Cholera
- Cholesteatoma
- Cholesterol
- Chronic cystic mastitis
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Circulatory stasis
- Cirrhosis biliary
- Cirrhosis hepatitis
- Cladosporium fulvum
- Claudication
- Clostridium range
- Cold
- Cold in head and chest
- Cold sores
- Colic
- Colitis
- Colon problems
- Condylomata
- Condylomata genital warts
- Conjunctivitis
- Constipation
- Contusion
- Convulsions
- Convulsions spasticity
- Coronavirus 2020 (See also Sets and Sweeps)
- Corynebacterium diphtheria
- Costalgia
- Coxsackie range
- Cramping and nausea
- Cramps
- Cramps menstrual
- Crohn’s disease
- Cryptococcosis
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- Cushings disease
- Cystic fibrosis
- Cystitis chronic
- Cytomegalovirus range
- Deafness
- Decubitus ulcer
- Dementia assist
- Dental fistula
- Dental foci
- Dental infections
- Depression
- Dermatomyosis
- Detox general
- Detox liver
- Diabetes
- Diabetes mellitus
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Diarrhea
- Digesting problems
- Diphtheria
- Dirofiliariasis
- Disc herniated
- Diverticulosis
- Droglioma
- Drug addiction
- Duodenal ulcer
- Duodenitis
- Dupuytrens contracture
- Dysentery
- Dysmenorrhea 1
- Dysmenorrhea 2
- Dyspepsia 1
- Dyspepsia 2
- E coli range
- Ear problems 2
- Ear fungus
- Ear pain
- Ear problems 1
- Ear wax
- Echinococcus
- Echovirus
- Eczema part 1
- Eczema part 2
- Edema
- Elephantiasis
- Embolus
- Emphysema
- Encephalitis
- Endamoeba gingivalis
- Endocarditis
- Endocrine system
- Endometriosis
- Endotoxemia
- Enlarged liver
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Enterobac aerogenes
- Enterobiasis pinworm
- Enterobius vermin
- Enterohepatitis
- Enuresis 1
- Enuresis 2
- Epicondylitis
- Epidermophyton floccinum
- Epididymitis
- Epilepsy
- Epstein-Barr virus
- Erysipelas
- Erythema nodosum
- Escherichia coli
- Eurytrema pancreaticum
- Eustachian tube inflammation
- Eye inflammation
- Eye macular disease
- Eye problems general
- Eyes glaucoma
- Eyesight tonic
- Facial cramps
- Facial paralysis
- Facial toning
- Fainting
- Fascia
- Fasciolla hepatic
- Fasciolopsis buski
- Fatigue
- Fattrimmer
- Febris wolhynia
- Felon
- Fever
- Fibrocystic breast disease
- Fibroma
- Fibromyalgia
- Fibrosarcoma
- Fibrosis of lung
- Filarial
- Fissures
- Fistula dentalis
- Fistula ulcer
- Flatulence
- Flukes blood
- Flukes general
- Flukes intestinal
- Flukes liver
- Folliculitis
- Food poisoning
- Foot blisters
- Foot mouth syndrome
- Fractures
- Frostbite
- Frozen shoulder
- Fungi general
- Furunculosis
- Furunculosis herpes
- Gallbladder inflammation
- Gallbladder tonic
- Gallstones
- Gangrene
- Gardnerella
- Gardnerella vaginalis
- Gastritis
- General prophylaxis
- Geotrichosis
- German measles
- Giardia lamblia
- Gingivitis
- Glanders
- Glands
- Glandular fever
- Glaucoma
- Gonads inflammation
- Gonorrhoea
- Gout part 1
- Gout part 2
- Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Gum diseases
- HIV experimental
- Haemonchus contortus
- Haemophilia
- Haemorrhage
- Haemorrhoids
- Hairloss
- Hand foot & mouth syndrome
- Hashimoto’s disease
- Hayfever
- Head injury
- Headaches
- Heart (only emergency)
- Heart tonic
- Heartburn
- Heartworm
- Helicobacter pylori
- Helminthosporium
- Haemorrhoids
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis Non-A non-B
- Hepatitis general
- Hepatomegaly
- Hernia
- Herpes general short
- Herpes general
- Herpes genitalis
- Herpes labialis
- Herpes simple 1
- Herpes simplex 2
- Herpes type 5
- Herpes type C
- Herpes zoster
- Herpes virus hominus
- Hip pain long
- Hip pain short
- Histoplasma
- Hives
- Hives urticaria
- Hoarseness
- Hodgkin’s disease
- Hookworm
- Hordeolum
- Hormodendrum
- Hormonal imbalance
- Hydrocele
- Hyperacidity stomach
- Hyperosmia
- Hypertension
- Hyperthyroid
- Hypodereum conoi
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Hypotension
- Hypothalamus
- Hypothyroid
- Hypoxia
- Hypoxia brain
- Icterus haemolytic
- Ileocolitis
- Immune boost 1
- Immune boost 2
- Impotence
- Indigestion
- Infantile paralysis
- Infections general
- Infections main causes
- Infectious hepatitis
- Infections mononucleosis
- Infertility
- Inflammation
- Influenza 5 grippe
- Influenza part 1
- Influenza part 2
- Influenza Spanish
- Influenza general
- Influenza grippe general
- Influenza haemophilus
- Influenza haemophilus type
- Influenza swine
- Inner ear disease
- Insect bites
- Insomnia 1
- Insomnia 2
- Intercostal neuralgia
- Interleukin
- Intestinal fluke
- Intestinal problems
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Itching
- Jaundice
- Joint inflammation
- Joints pain
- Kaposi’s sarcoma
- Kawasaki disease
- Kidney insufficiency
- Kidney papilloma
- Kidney problems
- Kidney stones
- Kidney tonic
- Knee pain
- Lambliasis
- Large intestine restorative
- Laryngeal polyp
- Larynx
- Lateral sclerosis
- Leaky gut
- Legionella
- Leprosy infection
- Leptospira
- Leukocytosis
- Leukoderma acquired
- Leukoencephalitis
- Leukoplakia
- Linchen planus
- Lipoma
- Listeriosis
- Liver cleanse
- Liver detox
- Liver flukes
- Liver restorative
- Lockjaw
- Lou Gehrig’s disease
- Low blood pressure
- Lumbago
- Lung abscess
- Lupus
- Lupus erythematosus
- Lyme disease 1
- Lyme disease 2
- Lymph drainage
- Lymph problems
- Lymphangitis
- Macular disease
- Malaria
- Malassezia furfur
- Mamma fribromatosis
- Mastitis
- Mastoiditis
- Measles
- Measles German
- Measles rubella
- Memory failing
- Meniere’s disease
- Meningioma
- Meningitis
- Meningococcus
- Menopause
- Menstrual problems
- Methotrexate
- Microbes
- Microsporum audouini
- Microsporum canis
- Migraine
- Mixed connective tissue disease
- Moles
- Morgellons disease
- Morphea
- Motor neuron disease
- Mould infection
- Mouth sores
- Mouth eruptions herpes
- Mouth eruptions white part
- Mucor mucedo
- Mucor plumbeus
- Mucor racemosis
- Mucormycosis
- Mucous colitis
- Mucoviscidosis
- Multiceps serial
- Multiple sclerosis
- Mumps
- Muscle pain
- Muscle injury
- Muscle spasms
- Muscles relax
- Muscular dystrophy
- Myasthenia gravis
- Mycoplasma
- Mycoplasma general
- Mycosis fungoides
- Myelopathy
- Myocarditis
- Myoma
- Myositis
- Nail disease
- Nail fungus
- Nasal polyp
- Nausea
- Neck pain long
- Neck pain short
- Nephritis
- Nerve compression syndrome
- Nerve disorders
- Neuralgia all
- Neuro relax
- Neuro boost
- Nocardia asteroids
- Nocardiosis
- Numbness
- Oedema & swelling
- Oesophagus constriction
- Oral lesions
- Orchitis
- Ornithosis
- Osteitis
- Osteo bone regenerate
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteomyelitis
- Osteoporosis
- Otitis
- Otitis external
- Otitis media
- Otosclerosis
- Ovarian cyst
- Ovarian disorders general
- Ovarian elimination to stimulate
- Ozaena
- Pain long
- Pain short
- Pancreas
- Pancreas fluke
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Papilloma kidney
- Papilloma virus
- Paragonimus westermani
- Paralysis non spastic
- Paralysis spastic
- Parasites ascaris
- Parasites blood-flukes
- Parasites enterobiasis
- Parasites filaria
- Parasites general
- Parasites giardia
- Parasites heartworm
- Parasites hookworm
- Parasites intestinal flukes
- Parasites liver-flukes
- Parasites pancreatic-flukes
- Parasites pinworm
- Parasites roundworm
- Parasites schistosoma ha
- Parasites schistosoma ma
- Parasites short treatment
- Parasites strongyloides
- Parasites tapeworm
- Parasites threadworm
- Parasites trichinosis
- Paresis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Parrot fever
- Parvovirus
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Perocarditis
- Periodontal gum disease
- Perotinitis
- Pernicious anemia
- Pertussis
- Pharyngeal tonsil
- Pharyngitis
- Phlebitis
- Piles
- Pineal gland 1
- Pineal gland 2
- Pink eye
- Pituitary gland
- Plague
- Plasmacytoma
- Plasmodium
- Plasmodium general
- Pleurisy
- Pneumococcus
- Pneumocystis carinii
- Pneumonia
- Pneumonia bronchial
- Pneumonia mycoplasma
- Pneumoniae klebsiella
- Pneumoviirus
- Poliomyelitis
- Pollinosis
- Polymyalgia rheumatic
- Polymyocitis
- Polyp general
- Polyp nasal
- Polyp uterine
- Porphyria
- Pots
- Powassan
- Primary lateral sclerosis
- Proctitis
- Propiomobacterium
- Prostate conditions general
- Prostate hyperplasia
- Prostate restorative
- Prostatitis
- Protomyzoa Rheumatica
- Protozoa part 1
- Protozoa part 2
- Pruritus
- Pruritus ani
- Pseudomonas range
- Psittacosis
- Psoriasis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Pulmonary institial fibrosis
- Pyelitis proteus
- Pyelonephritis
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
- Pyorrhea
- Pyroluria
- Q fever
- Rabies
- Radiation burns
- Raynauds disease
- Refractory anaemia
- Reiters syndrome
- Relax
- Renal calculi
- Respiratory general
- Respiratory problems
- Respiratory syncitial virus
- Restless legs
- Retrovirus variants
- Rheuma
- Rheumatism
- Rhinitis
- Rhino virus
- Rhozobium melilo
- Rickettsia main
- Rickettsia short
- Rickettsia part 1
- Rickettsia part 2
- Rickettsia part 3
- Rickettsia part 4
- Rickettsia part 5
- Rota virus
- Roundworm general
- Rubella
- Salmonella range
- Sarcoidosis
- Scabies
- Schistosoma range
- Schizophrenia
- Sciatica
- Scleroderma
- Sea sickness
- Seizures
- Set Arthritis
- Set Cancer general
- Set Circulation
- Set Coronavirus 2020
- Set Dental and Gums
- Set Depression
- Set Detox
- Set Diabetes
- Set Fatigue
- Set Flu
- Set Fungi and Candida
- Set Gallbladder
- Set Health maintenance
- Set Infections
- Set Insomnia
- Set Intestines and stomach
- Set Kidneys and Bladder
- Set Liver
- Set Lyme disease
- Set Pain
- Set Parasites
- Set Prostate
- Set Respiratory 1
- Set Skin problems
- Set Sport injuries
- Set Tropical diseases
- Set Weight loss
- Shigella 1
- Shigella 2
- Shigela general
- Shingles
- Sinusitis
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Skin itch
- Skin problems general
- Slipped disc
- Sore throat
- Spastic colon
- Spider bite
- Spondylitis
- Staphylococcus range
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Streptococcus range
- Stroke paralysis
- Styes
- Sunstroke
- Sweep Brain wave clarity
- Sweep Brain waves conc
- Sweep Brain waves relax
- Sweep Brain waves sleep
- Sweep cancer
- Sweep cat’s purr
- Sweep Coronavirus
- Sweep general infections
- Sweep Muscle healing
- Sweep Wound healing
- Swelling
- Syphilis
- Systemic Lupus erythema
- Taeniapisicyst
- Tapeworms
- Tennis elbow
- Testosterone boost
- Tetanus
- Thymus gland
- Thyroid gland
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Tick bite fever
- Tinea pides
- Tinnitus
- Tonsillitis
- Torulosis
- Toxoplasma
- Tropical diseases
- Tuberculosis
- Tularemia
- Ulcer
- Ulcer duodenal
- Ulcer stomach
- Urinary tract infection
- Urticaria
- Vertigo
- Vitiligo
- Warts general
- Wegener’s granulomatosis
- Wellness
- Whooping cough
- Worms general
- Wound healing
- Yuppie flu